Bobbin Floss Rack + Magnetic Needleminder = Bobbin Minder!


You love your box of bobbins. We all do. But during a project, isn’t it nice to have all of your colors at the ready? AND, not in a pile? or on the floor, right?

This Bobbin Floss Rack holds TWELVE of your WIP bobbins and gives you a spot to drop your needle. Very HANDY!

THREE sizes: Either standard DMC bobbins (1/16” slots) or thicker (2mm) acrylic bobbins (1/8” slots) or thickest Pip&Chip (3mm) acrylic bobbins (4mm slots).

Made from furniture grade Birch plywood and finished with a natural, hand-rubbed oil.

NOTE: These are really strong magnets… like, REALLY strong. Neodymium (google it!)

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