
I’m Kate and this is my labor of love, my collision of crafts, and my daily inspiration. Modern Hoopla was born when a spark of an idea invaded my brain. I’d been focusing on digital fabrication, making my imagination spit out of a CNC machine (that’s a computer controlled router, if you were wondering), when I took an embroidery class. I saw ‘naked’ hoops everywhere and wanted a more finished way to display my new-found craft. The basic design for these frames felt like that bolt of lightning from cartoons. So I kept going, kept prototyping, kept stitching. And now we’re HERE.

Fabric, wire, floss, plywood, spray paint. If craft materials were friends, these would be my BFFs. I’m happy that I spend my days with them. We have a grand ‘ole time.

I’m glad I can share the results with you. I’m honored to have become a part of the embroidery and cross stitching communities. And, I’m constantly amazed with what comes back to me from this creative and colorful group.

Thanks! Let’s have some fun!

I’m Kate… and this is a real-life selfie.

I’m Kate… and this is a real-life selfie.